indi > ABIDE's phenotypic data
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Oct 1, 2024  02:10 PM | Tien-Wen Lee
ABIDE's phenotypic data


Hi ABIDE experts,

Thank you for sharing the datasets. I have a question: where can I access more detailed phenotypic data? Specifically, I am interested in IQ subtest items such as block design, arithmetic, and similarities, rather than just the VIQ and FIQ scores.

I appreciate your help and look forward to your response.

Best regards,

Oct 25, 2024  06:10 PM | FCP/INDI Admin
RE: ABIDE's phenotypic data

Hi, please visit for more information

Oct 30, 2024  09:10 PM | FCP/INDI Admin
RE: ABIDE's phenotypic data

Hi, if you have any further question, please contact Thank you!