help > measure length of a neuron
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Jun 29, 2010  08:06 PM | Hanchuan Peng
measure length of a neuron

that length can be translated into Z if you have a pre-resampled image
that has isotropic x,y, and z rez. You can produce such a resampled image using V3D main menu (under Data/Image). We also plan to change the program
a little bit in a future version so that the z-thickness weighting factor can be used in the
computation as well.

On 6/25/10 12:16 PM, Gale, Samuel wrote:
> Hanchuan,
> I've traced a neuron in v3d and would now like to measure the length
> of a segment or several adjacent segments, which I see I can do by
> right clicking on the segment and selecting 'display nearest-neuron
> segment info'. I assume the length given is number of pixels, but to
> convert this to microns I need to know the length along each axis,
> since the image resolution in much greater in X and Y than in Z. How
> can I figure this out?
> Sam