open-discussion > INTRODUCING INDI: A New 1000 FCP Data-Sharing
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Oct 8, 2010  07:10 PM | Michael Milham
INTRODUCING INDI: A New 1000 FCP Data-Sharing
The 1000 Functional Connectomes Project (FCP) has a new look (, and a new initiative. The FCP is announcing the launch of the International Neuroimaging Data-sharing Initiative (INDI), and its inaugural prospective data-sharing release the Nathan Kline Institute (NKI)/Rockland Sample. INDI is a next-generation data-sharing effort, with the goal of sharing phenotypically rich imaging datasets, on both retrospective and prospective bases (see for mission statement and introductory presentation). This is only the beginning - if you have not done so yet, we'd love to have you join and contribute to our sharing effort!

The NKI/Rockland Sample is a phenotypically rich community sample (ages: 6-85) created for the purpose of open sharing, including:
- resting state fMRI (R-fMRI)
- diffusion tensor imaging (DTI)
- various psychiatric, cognitive and behavioral assessments.
** Given that the NKI/Rockland Sample is being shared prospectively as it is acquired, we anticipate distributing 5-10 datasets / week for unrestricted research usage.
See for more details.

IMPORTANT: ** You MUST first register with the 1000 FCP site before gaining permission to download the INDI data ( - a painless process, and to be clear, all will be granted access for non-commercial research purposes. **

For a listing of future PROSPECTIVE data-sharing samples, please go to:

For a listing of future RETROSPECTIVE data-sharing samples, please go to:

Due to the inclusion of extensive imaging protocol and phenotypic meta-data, we are offering the following options for data-distribution:
• INDI-XNAT. Users are provided an initial virtual XNAT machine setup with appropriate schema for NKI-Rockland Sample metadata, including complete imaging parameters for all scans (based on DICOM headers) and complete phenotypic data. For users preferring to operating their own stand-alone XNAT, a base schema for the NKI-Rockland Sample will be provided as well. Each week, users will be provided archive files (.xar file archives) containing newly released data, which can easily be added to their existing XNAT (virtual machine or stand-alone). Two versions of INDI-XNAT will be distributed – one containing DICOM images and the other containing NIFTI images. Future releases will include pipelines for processing via the 1000 FCP scripts path, integrated into XNAT.
• INDI-Lite. For users preferring a more bare-bones distribution of the data that can easily be loaded into their own databasing software scheme, NIFTI and DICOM files will be made available in downloadable .tar files, accompanied by imaging and phenotypic meta-data stored in .csv files.



Michael P. Milham, MD, PhD

Research Psychiatrist, Nathan Kline Institute
Leon Levy Assistant Professor of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, NYULMC
Associate Director, Phyllis Green and Randolph Cowen Institute for Pediatric Neuroscience, NYU Child Study Center