help > Problem running example
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Jan 16, 2008  04:01 PM | Chris Wyatt
Problem running example
I have installed hammer 1.0 and followed the installation instructions. However when I run the first example I get the following:

hammer labelbrain -S subject_segmented_no_cere.img -M jakob_rad_convention_segmented_no_cere.img -L jakob_rad_convention_labels_no_cere.img
Running on: /raid/home/clwyatt/.hammer/hammertemp932887833
Operating System: Linux
> Performing rigid transformation
Abnormal termination: 255

The contents of the log file in ~/.hammer/hammertemp934220584 is:

2008.04.16 11:04:12
Command: rigidtransform /home/scratch/clw-hammer-test/combined/subject_segmented_no_cere.img /home/scratch/clw-hammer-test/combined/jakob_rad_conven
tion_segmented_no_cere.img /raid/home/clwyatt/.hammer/hammertemp934220584/subject_segmented_no_cere.img.rig /raid/home/clwyatt/.hammer/hammertemp934
220584/GlobalTransformation.Affine -X256 ExecPath: /raid/home/clwyatt/.hammer/hammertemp934220584

Any idea what might be wrong?

Linux 2.6.15 AMD 64 Java FSL 5.4.2


-- chris.

Jan 16, 2008  05:01 PM | Andres Molina
Problem running example
Hi Chris,

In addition to the log, did you see any other error reported at the

I see that you also have fsl installed, did you try using the flag -fsl,
if so, Did you get a similar output?

Jan 17, 2008  06:01 PM | Chris Wyatt
RE: Problem running example

No that was all the output there was, "Abnormal termination: 255"

I tried again with the -fsl flag. The output is below. I think the file locking warnings might be caused by my home directory being nfs mounted. In the end, the result is still "Abnormal termination: 255".


hammer labelbrain -S subject_segmented_no_cere.img -M jakob_rad_convention_segmented_no_cere.img -L jakob_rad_convention_labels_no_cere.img -fsl
Running on: /raid/home/clwyatt/.hammer/hammertemp1006638702
Operating System: Linux
> Performing flirt from /home/scratch/clw-hammer-test/combined/subject_segmented_no_cere.hdr to /home/scratch/clw-hammer-test/combined/jakob_rad_convention_segmented_no_cere.hdr
Jan 17, 2008 1:18:41 PM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences checkLockFile0ErrorCode
WARNING: Could not lock User prefs. Unix error code 37.
Jan 17, 2008 1:18:41 PM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences syncWorld
WARNING: Couldn't flush user prefs: java.util.prefs.BackingStoreException: Couldn't get file lock.
Jan 17, 2008 1:19:11 PM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences checkLockFile0ErrorCode
WARNING: Could not lock User prefs. Unix error code 37.
Jan 17, 2008 1:19:11 PM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences syncWorld
WARNING: Couldn't flush user prefs: java.util.prefs.BackingStoreException: Couldn't get file lock.
Jan 17, 2008 1:19:41 PM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences checkLockFile0ErrorCode
WARNING: Could not lock User prefs. Unix error code 37.
Jan 17, 2008 1:19:41 PM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences syncWorld
WARNING: Couldn't flush user prefs: java.util.prefs.BackingStoreException: Couldn't get file lock.
Jan 17, 2008 1:20:11 PM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences checkLockFile0ErrorCode
WARNING: Could not lock User prefs. Unix error code 37.
Jan 17, 2008 1:20:11 PM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences syncWorld
WARNING: Couldn't flush user prefs: java.util.prefs.BackingStoreException: Couldn't get file lock.
Jan 17, 2008 1:20:41 PM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences checkLockFile0ErrorCode
WARNING: Could not lock User prefs. Unix error code 37.
Jan 17, 2008 1:20:41 PM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences syncWorld
WARNING: Couldn't flush user prefs: java.util.prefs.BackingStoreException: Couldn't get file lock.
Jan 17, 2008 1:21:11 PM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences checkLockFile0ErrorCode
WARNING: Could not lock User prefs. Unix error code 37.
Jan 17, 2008 1:21:11 PM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences syncWorld
WARNING: Couldn't flush user prefs: java.util.prefs.BackingStoreException: Couldn't get file lock.
Jan 17, 2008 1:21:41 PM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences checkLockFile0ErrorCode
WARNING: Could not lock User prefs. Unix error code 37.
Jan 17, 2008 1:21:41 PM java.util.prefs.FileSystemPreferences syncWorld
WARNING: Couldn't flush user prefs: java.util.prefs.BackingStoreException: Couldn't get file lock.
> Transforming FSL matrix to SBIA matrix
Abnormal termination: 255
Jan 17, 2008  07:01 PM | Andres Molina
RE: Problem running example
What linux distribution are you using?

And can you send me what you get when you type:

java -version

Jan 17, 2008  07:01 PM | Chris Wyatt
RE: Problem running example
The result of cat /proc/version:
Linux version 2.6.15-26-amd64-server (buildd@king) (gcc version 4.0.3
(Ubuntu 4.0.3-1ubuntu5)) #1 SMP Thu Aug 3 03:32:26 UTC 2006

The result of java -version:
java version "1.5.0_11"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_11-b03)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 1.5.0_11-b03, mixed mode)

-- chris.

May 3, 2011  09:05 PM | Andreas Schuh
RE: Problem running example

Even though this topic was discussed already quite some time ago, I would like to add the following.

According to the discussion here [url=][/url] the problem can be related to the home directory being mounted via NFS.