help > atlassimple
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Feb 1, 2013  11:02 AM | samia bensalem
hello every body ,

in fact i'm new in the use of spm and atlas , my problem is that i want to create my own atlas , for that 
 i download spm ( ) and wfu_pickatlas (R 3.0 ), i read the manual user and i creat a directory sampleAtlas wich contain just a little data because i didn't finish with yet , then the question is : must this new directory (Atlas) appear like the other atlas like HUMAN ATLAS  , Mouse Atlas ......??? if yes then i have a probleme can you help me to solve it ???
thank you in advance
Feb 1, 2013  01:02 PM | Benjamin Wagner - UT Southwestern Medical Center
RE: atlassimple
For full documentation on creating an atlas for use with the PickAtlas, please see the developer's manual.  If there are further questions please post them here and I'll be glad to answer them.

Ben Wagner