help > WFU_Pickatlas doesn't show up in spm8 toolbox
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Mar 23, 2014  08:03 PM | Sarah Herremans
WFU_Pickatlas doesn't show up in spm8 toolbox

I downloaded and extracted wfu_pickatlas into the toolbox folder of SPM8. Next I added spm8 with subfolders in Matlab (set path). When I launch spm8 in matlab and go to spm8 menu and select toolbox, I can not find the wfu_pickatlas toolbox. I've tried to extract wfu_pickatlas with Archive Utility and The UnArchiver...the files are extracted, but the problem remains the same.

I have Matlab_R2013b and am a mac user.

Can somebody help? thanks!
Mar 24, 2014  12:03 PM | Benjamin Wagner - UT Southwestern Medical Center
RE: WFU_Pickatlas doesn't show up in spm8 toolbox
Hello Sarah,

There are a couple of things to check/do:

1) You should have three directories under spm/toolboxes:  wfu_pickatlas, wfu_tbx_common, wfu_resutls_viewer.
2) It is not recommended to add spm or the pickatlas with "subfolders" to the path.  Only add the main spm directory and the wfu_pickatlas directory.  SPM and the PickAtlas will add any other needed directories.  

Hope this helps,
Ben Wagner
Mar 24, 2014  12:03 PM | Sarah Herremans
RE: WFU_Pickatlas doesn't show up in spm8 toolbox
Thanks! It works!
