help > Anatomic image display + ROI volume info
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Jun 10, 2014  09:06 PM | Jeni Chen
Anatomic image display + ROI volume info
Hi Ben,

Just wondering if it'd be possible to display the anatomical image in the WFU_Pickatlas in other views (sagittal or coronal), as some structures can be seen better in a different plane. Also, is there a way to get the volume info of the mask?


Jun 11, 2014  12:06 PM | Benjamin Wagner - UT Southwestern Medical Center
RE: Anatomic image display + ROI volume info
Hi Jeni,
I'll put the view request into the request list for the next release.

PickAtlas output the following:

[atlas_region, volume, roi] = wfu_pickatlas

atlas_region is a structure containing details of the mask generated.  It is only populated if YES is select to save the mask when DONE.
volume  is the mask in the size of the atlas selected.  You'd have to read the background image to get the header info.
roi is the name of the saved file

Hope this helps,