sdm-help-list > funnel plots in meta-analysis
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Aug 26, 2014  10:08 AM | Nobody
funnel plots in meta-analysis

Recently I am conducting a meta-analysis using ES-SDM. You are an expert in ES-SDM and have published many meta-analyses,so I have some question about the funnel plots in meta-analysis and hope you can help me.
Have you ever done funnel plots in your meta-analysis to explore the publication bias? If so, what variables did you used to do the funnel plots? ES-SDM value? or some variables provided in the original article? If you used ES-SDM value, whether you extracted the ES-SDM value of whole brain for each study or the ES-SDM value of a specific brain region for each study?
Thank you in advance and look forward to hearing from you.

Aug 27, 2014  08:08 AM | Nobody
RE: funnel plots in meta-analysis
Dear Livia,

to can draw a funnel plot of a the voxel, cluster or region of interest using the effect size and standard error of each study. To extract these values you need to first create a mask (you can use SDM or any other software), and afterwards click the button "Extract". Please note that these plots may not look as they usually look in standard meta-analyses, given that the effect size of a proportion of studies can be exactly zero.

Hope this helps,
