help > Insert atlas in 'Human Atlases'
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Oct 15, 2014  08:10 AM | Isabelle Faillenot - university of Saint-Etienne (UJM)
Insert atlas in 'Human Atlases'
Dear experts,

In our lab we have create a MNI atlas which I want to integrate in your software.
I read your manual, and I succeeded to create files in a specific directory different from 'human atlas'.
This can be used in the results section of SPM8.
It can also be used in the section of your software where localization of a voxel is done according to its coordinates (cub or MNI or TAL).

I integrated the files (new_atlas.nii and new_atlas.txt) in the directory 'MNI_atlas_templates". I changed the 'master_lookup' in that directory : new_atlas,new_atlas.nii,new_atlas.txt,6000
This can be used in the results section of SPM8.

but when I use pickatlas for localization of a voxel in different atlases according to its coordinates (see attached), there is an error:

15-Oct-2014 10:17:05 | FATAL | wfu_pickatlas.m | MException thrown. Stack follows:
15-Oct-2014 10:17:05 | FATAL | Atlas1Menu_Callback | Line 1580: Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
15-Oct-2014 10:17:05 | FATAL | wfu_pickatlas | Line 0110
15-Oct-2014 10:17:05 | FATAL | @(hObject,eventdata)wfu_pickatlas('Atlas1Menu_Callback',hObject,eventdata,guidata(hObject)) | Line 0000

this also occur with the atlas IBASPM116

MATLAB Version (R2008a)
SPM8 Version 5236
on windows.

Do you have ideas ???
Thank you for your help...

Attachment: atlas.tiff
Oct 16, 2014  01:10 PM | Benjamin Wagner - UT Southwestern Medical Center
RE: Insert atlas in 'Human Atlases'
Dear Isabelle,
  A very interesting bug.  Thanks for finding it.  Please find attached an updated wfu_pickatlas.m for the PickaAtlas 3.0.4.  Please place this in the wfu_pickatlas directory overwriting the existing file.

Please let me know if you have any more questions or problems,
Attachment: wfu_pickatlas.m
Oct 16, 2014  02:10 PM | Isabelle Faillenot - university of Saint-Etienne (UJM)
RE: Insert atlas in 'Human Atlases'
Thank you Ben !
it works.
Have a nice day.