sdm-help-list > SDM values for individual studies
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Mar 25, 2015  01:03 AM | Nobody
SDM values for individual studies
How does one extract SDM values for individual studies in order to graph regression slopes as in "Gray matter volume abnormalities in ADHD: Voxel-based meta-analysis exploring the effects of age and stimulant medication"? I was hoping to do so by extracting values from a mask, but this only gave me estimates and variances for individual studies.

Thankyou in advance for you help
Mar 31, 2015  10:03 AM | Nobody
RE: SDM values for individual studies
I'm not sure whether I have understood your question. You can create a mask for the peak and then extract the values using this mask. You can then include these values in standard meta-analytic software to obtain e.g. the residuals of a model.
Apr 1, 2015  10:04 PM | Nobody
RE: SDM values for individual studies
Sorry, to be more specific, I would like to graph a regression slope. I am trying to figure out how to extract the "partial residual SDM value" for individual studies, as reported in the regression graph of "Gray Matter Volume Abnormalities in ADHD: Voxel-Based Meta-Analysis Exploring the Effects of Age and Stimulant Medication". When I extract values from the peak coordinates or a region I receive estimates and variances for individual studies, and SDM values only for meta-analyses/meta-regressions. Is there a way to use these values to find the partial residual SDM value for each study? Or is there another measure that is more appropriate for graphing a regression slope?

Thanks again
Apr 14, 2015  01:04 PM | Nobody
RE: SDM values for individual studies
The value of each study is the "estimate". With these values and the regression slopes, you may calculate the residuals of the regression. The weight (to make points smaller or larger) is the inverse of the sum of the "variance" and the heterogeneity, but in plots you may just use the inverse of the variance. Hope this helps,