help > parameter panel does not interact with layout
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Aug 21, 2015  08:08 PM | Emma Sprooten
parameter panel does not interact with layout
Dear JIST experts,

I am trying to run someone else's pipeline in my own MIPAV/JIST environment. I had some trouble loading it in the first instance. It seemed that many modules were actually named differently in my environment. despite us having verified that we are using the same versions. So I have renamed the modules in the layout text file (.LayoutXML) to match the names of the modules in my JIST Layout (e.g. I renamed "PipeVolumeCollectionListSource" to "PipeSourceCollectionSetVolume")

I am now able to load the layout, and it looks like all the modules are displayed correctly, but I can't interact with them: when clicking on a module there is no tab for that module in the parameter window so I can't give it any input. In the debugging terminal I see: "edu.jhu.ece.iacl.jist.pipeline.gui.ParameterPanelCannot select index of object: "...

Also, the debugging terminal displays some suspect messages when opening the layout: 
"java.lang.NullPointerException".... (for many components/modules including .gui. types.

So, I think that the quick-fix of renaming the modules was only delaying the actual problematic issue, and I have no idea what it could be. Please help if you can!

Many thanks!
