dke-questions > Reconstructing fa.nii from DT.mat and KT.mat
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Aug 28, 2015  08:08 PM | Christina Gancayco
Reconstructing fa.nii from DT.mat and KT.mat

I was wondering how one would reconstruct the FA map from the diffusion and kurtosis tensor MAT files? I ran the DKE for several subjects but left the map interpolation on, and I was hoping reconstructing fa.nii would be faster than running the DKE again without map interpolation.

Aug 29, 2015  06:08 PM | Russell Glenn - Medical University of South Carolina
RE: Reconstructing fa.nii from DT.mat and KT.mat
Hi Christina,

You just need to calculate the fa parameter for each column of the DT.mat matrix and then reconstruct the image. One potential solution if you have MATLAB is to download spm8 and then run the script below. Alternatively, you may reconstruct the diffusion tensor for each voxel; dt = [DT(1,i) DT(4,i) DT(5,i);DT(4,i) DT(2,i) DT(6,i);DT(5,i) DT(6,i) DT(3,i)];, and then get the eigenvalues and solve the conventional equation. Hope that helps...



%fn_img: file path 'template' image (.nii) (eg b0 3D or 4D)
%fn_dt: file path to DT.mat (.mat)
%fn_fa: file path to new fa image to write (.nii)

hdr = spm_vol(fn_img);
idx = sqrt(sum(DT.^2))>0;
fa = zeros(1,prod(hdr(1).dim(1:3)));
fa(idx) = sqrt(3.*sum([DT(1:3,idx)-repmat(sum(DT(1:3,idx))./3,3,1);repmat(DT(4:6,idx),2,1)].^2)./...
hdr(1).fname = fn_fa;
hdr(1).dt = [16 0];
Sep 8, 2015  07:09 PM | Christina Gancayco
RE: Reconstructing fa.nii from DT.mat and KT.mat
Worked like a charm. Thanks!
May 23, 2017  06:05 PM | westkl
RE: Reconstructing fa.nii from DT.mat and KT.mat
Can you provide matrix definition similar to dt = [DT(1,i) DT(4,i) DT(5,i);DT(4,i) DT(2,i) DT(6,i);DT(5,i) DT(6,i) DT(3,i)];, for the kurtosis tensor (KT)? 

May 23, 2017  07:05 PM | Russell Glenn
RE: Reconstructing fa.nii from DT.mat and KT.mat
Hi Kathryn,
Sure.  Each column is given by
W(:,i) =  [W1111, W2222, W3333, W1112, W1113, W1222, W1333, W2223,W2333, W1122, W1133, W2233, W1123, W1223, W1233]^T, where W is the kurtosis tensor for the ith voxel.
May 24, 2017  01:05 PM | westkl
RE: Reconstructing fa.nii from DT.mat and KT.mat