open-discussion > IBSR in Nifti format
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Oct 30, 2015  09:10 PM | Roberto Souza - UNICAMP
IBSR in Nifti format

I am trying to use the IBSR data (20Nomals) in skull-stripping experiments, and I have a few doubts abou the dataset.
More specifically, I am using the folders "20Normals_T1"  (raw data) and "20Normals_T1_brain" (brain mask).

- Does anyone have the data in Nifti format? I was able to read them and save as Nifti (I can provide the data if it is of interest), but I left the Nifti headers blank, since I 
don't have experience filling them. The Nifti file I generated didn't work on Freesurfer only on FSL. Maybe freesurfer needs the header information to work...

-  The header information in the "20NormalsT1_brain" doesn't seem to be correct. It contains the shape of the images, which usually are 256x256xW, but when I read the .buchar file
I get something that is 256x256x(W+2), i.e. two more slice than the header says.

- In the read me file, it says that "Note that the segmented images have less slices than the T1 image data", but I didn't find that to be true, except for file *1_24*. 

Can anyone help me?

I would really appreciate it.

Best regards,
Roberto Souza
Nov 3, 2015  02:11 PM | Andrew Worth
RE: IBSR in Nifti format
Hi Roberto,

Many researchers have used the 20Normals in their publications.  Somebody must have converted them to NIfTI!
