help > L and R masks not symmetric
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Aug 11, 2016  04:08 PM | Keith Harenski
L and R masks not symmetric

I created a few masks using wfu_pickatlas ver 3.0.5 and noted that the L and R masks are not symmetric. I have noted this before in previous versions as well but have never seen a discussion as to why that may be. See attached for a few examples.

Any ideas as to why this may be?


Aug 15, 2016  01:08 PM | Benjamin Wagner - UT Southwestern Medical Center
RE: L and R masks not symmetric
Hi Keith,
I am unable to find the area (OFC) you mention in the image. How did you define it?

Aug 15, 2016  02:08 PM | Keith Harenski
RE: L and R masks not symmetric
Originally posted by Benjamin Wagner:
Hi Keith,
I am unable to find the area (OFC) you mention in the image. How did you define it?

Hello Ben,

In that example it was Frontal_Med_Orb_L and R. See attached.


Attachment: pickatlas_cap.JPG
Aug 15, 2016  05:08 PM | Benjamin Wagner - UT Southwestern Medical Center
RE: L and R masks not symmetric
Hi Keith,
  The simple answer to the questions is this is an example of asymmetry in the original AAL atlas.  It may help to review the methods of the original atlas generation:
