help > Defining left and right explicitly
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Oct 29, 2016  03:10 PM | Pravesh Parekh - National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences
Defining left and right explicitly

In a given 3D volume, the 'x' entry defines the left/right side. Typically in the NIfTI convention, +x would be assumed to be right. Does that imply that when x=0, it is treated to be left side? How is this handled in WFU Pickatlas for atlases in which explicit left/right labels are not defined (let's say the TD_Brodmann.nii file)? Do the left labels encompass x=0 voxels (wherever applicable)?

Thanks and Regards
Jan 4, 2017  04:01 PM | Pravesh Parekh - National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences
RE: Defining left and right explicitly
Hello again,
It would be really great if someone could answer this (trivial) question.

Thanks and Regards