open-discussion > how to read hdr file in matlab orsaveasnii
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Nov 12, 2016  06:11 PM | Gulay Cicek - Fatih University
how to read hdr file in matlab orsaveasnii
Hi Everbody,

If it is possible, can you give idea or matlab code  about following problem?
Using nifti tools, I can read nii file (using load_nii_untouch method)
But I could not read the file with extension hdr and assign a matrix
How to read hdr file or how to save as nii file.
If it is possible, give idea

Nov 14, 2016  08:11 AM | Maarten Mennes
RE: how to read hdr file in matlab orsaveasnii

look at read_avw and save_avw as included in the FSL software library, alternatively if you're into python check the nibabel package.
