dke-questions > dke_ft error
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Dec 5, 2016  07:12 PM | sevim sahin - Kocaeli University
dke_ft error
Hi all,
I had the error on DKE_ft, so I couldnt run it. 

C:\Users\kagan>C:\Users\kagan\Desktop\fibert\dke_ft.exe ft_parameters.txt
Error using textscan
Invalid file identifier. Use fopen to generate a valid file identifier.

Error in readvariables (line 7)
Error in dke_ft (line 18)

any help would be appreciated.

and the ft_parameters file; 

studydir = 'C:\Users\kagan\Desktop\test/'; %Full path to directory containing DT.mat, KT.mat, and fa.nii files.
subject_list = {''}; %Specify subject numbers (i.e. {'Subject01','Subject02','Subject03',...}).

%ODF Optimizatinon
odf_optimization = 1; %Analyze the kurtosis dODF (1) or skip odf optimization (0). This step must be performed prior to tractography.
sd = 4; %[3,4, or 5] Sampling distribution to use. See sphericalgrid3(4,5).m documentation for more info.
quasiNewton = 1; %Apply non-linear optimization to increase accuracy of peak detection (1) or use orientations directly from the pre-defined sampling distribution (0).
radial_weight = 4; %Radial weighting power.Recommended radial_weight = 4.
release_memory = 0; %Do not release memory (0), release memory after each subject (1), or release memory more frequently (2). See User's Guide for additional info.
wrt_flg = 1; %Write outputs (1) or don't write outputs (0).
pre_name = ''; %String to append to the beginning of output names.
post_name = ''; %String to append to the end of output names.
tractography_flg = 1; %Perform tractography (1) or don't perform tractography (0).
fa_threshold = 0.1; %FA threshold.
angle_threshold = 35; %Angle threshold in degrees.
trk_length = 20; %Minimum tract length in mm.
step_size = 1; %Step size in mm (0 defaults to half of the voxel length).
trk_mask = ''; %Path to tracking mask to apply in addition to other tract termination criteria defined above. Should be in the same orientation as the fa.nii image.
seednum = 1E5; %Number of random seed points in the tracking mask.
shift = 0.5; %Shift applied to voxel coordinates in .trk file.
output_DTI_trks = 1; %Include tractography performed from just the diffusion tensor (1) or don't (0).
image_orientation = 'LAS'; %Orientation of input image volumes. By convention, spm writes images in 'LAS.'
odf_orientation = 'LAS'; %Orientation of the gradient table used to estimate the diffusion and kurtosis tensors. If SPM is used to estimate the gradient tables, this should be 'LAS.'
%Make DSI Studio .fib file
make_fib_file = 1; %Make .fib file to read in DSI Studio (1) or skip this step (0).
save_odfs = 1; %Save dODFS in .fib file (1) or not (0). This only affects visualization as orientations are still saved for tractography.
scale_odf = 0.5; %Affects overall size of odfs in .fib file. This only affects visualization.
odf_size = 20000; %Size of odf_n variables. Reduce this if there are issues with RAM.
odf_res = 'low'; %{'low' or 'high'}; Number of points saved in ODFs ~ only affects visualization. Use 'low' to reduce memory requirements and use 'high' for the smoothest dODF surface renderings.
Dec 7, 2016  02:12 PM | Emilie McKinnon - MUSC
RE: dke_ft error
Hi Sevim,

This error occurs when DKE_FT can not read your text files. Check all your paths. Is ft_parameters.txt stored in C:\Users\kagan? Otherwise you need to provide the full path length. Also, I believe you need to be consistent with your slashes in your studydir. 

Dec 7, 2016  06:12 PM | sevim sahin - Kocaeli University
RE: dke_ft error
Dear Emilie,

Yes you are right and I fixed it.

thank you!
