help > Running the Install script
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Dec 8, 2016  10:12 AM | Dayana Hayek - Charite Universitätä Berlin
Running the Install script
Dear all,

I am having troubles running the Install script. It is showing me this error:

./installW2MHS.m: Zeile 1: fg: Keine Job-Steuerung in dieser Shell.
./installW2MHS.m: Zeile 3: Syntaxfehler beim unerwarteten Wort »sprintf«
./installW2MHS.m: Zeile 3: 'display(sprintf('______________________________________________________________________ \n'));'

It is in German but below is the English translation for that:

./installW2MHS.m: Line 1: fg: No job control in this shell.
./installW2MHS.m: Line 3: Syntax error with the unexpected word "sprintf"
./installW2MHS.m: Line 3: 'display (sprintf ('______________________________________________________________________ \ n')); '

Thank you for your help.

Dayana Hayek
Dec 10, 2016  11:12 AM | Vamsi Ithapu
RE: Running the Install script
This looks like a Matlab library error -- because of "yntax error with the unexpected word "sprintf""?
Might want to check Matlab error help forum/pages.