open-discussion > Assigning desired avgdeg of backbone.
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Apr 18, 2017  12:04 PM | Gyan Raj Koirala
Assigning desired avgdeg of backbone.

I have 36x36 connection matrix and I would like to compute Minimum Spanning Tree to get connection matrix of the minimum spanning tree.

I am quite confused with the input for computing backbone_wu function as it requires avgdeg.

I checked with some arbitrary values from 1-36, which results error for avgdeg=1, 20, 25, 20, 30, 34,35 etc.

However, the function is error free when I assign avgdeg= 2, 5, 10, 15 and results a CIJtree output matrix having 70 non-zero connection weights for all.

Could you please elaborate the concept of using avgdeg and the suitable entries based on connection matrix?
Also, why I get the same result for the different entries of avgdeg?

Thank you so much.