help > Repeated measures MANOVA fMRI task
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Jul 11, 2017  02:07 PM | Oiane Rilo
Repeated measures MANOVA fMRI task
Dear all,

I would like to run a repeated measures MANOVA to explore functional connectivity changes during the performance of a memory task following the implementation of a specific intervention. The memory task includes both activation and contrast conditions. We have two groups (control and experimental), and MRI was acquired at two time points (pre and post treatment). Therefore, in conn toolbox, at second level step, I have four conditions (1. activation blocks at pre-treatment; 2. contrast blocks at pre-treatment; 3. activation blocks at post-treatment; and 4. contrast blocks at post-treatment). Should I have 4 conditions at this step or should I apply a subtraction paradigm in a previous step in order to obtain the significant differences between activation and contrast conditions at each time point? In case the steps that I have performed are the correct ones, what should I write or select in the contrasts section to run the repeated measures manova? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you in advance,
