help > How many nodes to choose for rich-club ANA.
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Sep 19, 2017  08:09 PM | Hua Yu
How many nodes to choose for rich-club ANA.
Dear experts,

I have 160x160 resting state FC matrix for each of my subjects. So if I want to do rich club analysis, how many nodes should I choose? I couldn't remenber the number exactly, cause I might see some one using 25.

Thank you!

Sep 20, 2017  12:09 AM | Jeffrey Spielberg
RE: How many nodes to choose for rich-club AN
Hi Hua,

First, you'll want to include the entire matrix in calculating the rich club.  

With regard to what cutoff # you examine, there's no real rule - it really depends on the question you are interested in.  I'd recommend checking out related papers for guidance
