help > Is dcm2niixgui available?
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Sep 25, 2017  05:09 PM | Haifang Li - Stony Brook University
Is dcm2niixgui available?
Is there a dcm2niixgui exist?
May 8, 2018  12:05 AM | Chris Rorden
RE: Is dcm2niixgui available?
The MRIcroGL, MRIcro for MacOS and upcoming MRIcron include the menu item Import/ConvertDICOMtoNIfTI - this will show you a graphical interface. You can set up your conversion and then drop the folder with the DICOM images onto the conversion window's toolbar. Whereas the old dcm2niigui had both the viewer and converter in a single program, with MRIroGL and MRIcron the graphical shell calls a command line program. The nice feature is that it shows you the terminal command used, so it is easy to set up a conversion with the graphical interface and then cut and paste the command into your favorite scripting language.
Apr 10, 2019  03:04 PM | Maki Koyama
Where can I find the menu item Import/ConvertDICOMtoNIfTI for dcm2niixgui?
I want to convert dicom files to nifti files using the graphical interface. I've just downloaded MRIcroGL (as of April 10 2019), but cannot find the menu item "Import/ConvertDICOMtoNIFTI". Where can I find it? 

Just in case, I attached the image showing the contents of MRIcroGL on my laptop. 


Originally posted by Chris Rorden:
The MRIcroGL, MRIcro for MacOS and upcoming MRIcron include the menu item Import/ConvertDICOMtoNIfTI - this will show you a graphical interface. You can set up your conversion and then drop the folder with the DICOM images onto the conversion window's toolbar. Whereas the old dcm2niigui had both the viewer and converter in a single program, with MRIroGL and MRIcron the graphical shell calls a command line program. The nice feature is that it shows you the terminal command used, so it is easy to set up a conversion with the graphical interface and then cut and paste the command into your favorite scripting language.
Attachment: MRIcroGL.jpeg
Apr 10, 2019  07:04 PM | Chris Rorden
RE: Where can I find the menu item Import/ConvertDICOMtoNIfTI for dcm2niixgui?
I would suggest getting MRIcroGL (v1.2.20181114) from here:
Please check the version number (should be v1.2.20181114).
Apr 10, 2019  08:04 PM | Maki Koyama
RE: Where can I find the menu item Import/ConvertDICOMtoNIfTI for dcm2niixgui?
Thanks, it worked!
May 10, 2019  01:05 PM | Selva Sathappan
DICOM - NiFti - Mammogram images

I am trying to convert the DICOM image to Nifti format.  The sample dataset is provided in this link ( We are working on Mammogram project. FYI, this dataset has 2 views for left breast and 2 views for right breast. I would like to view 2 views of each breast at once (say in axial view and sagittal view/other view).

Hence, I am trying to convert this to NifTi format. But am not able to do this the right way?. Can you please guide me on this and let me know how the data should be arranged in a folder?

I mean, I have two slices(views) of each breast in separate folder. I mean left breast has a seperate folder with 2 .dcm files under it whereas right breast has a seperate folder with 2.dcm files under it.

It would be really helpful if you could guide us on how to use this.

We would like to use MITK viewer and be able to see 2 views of one breast at once, so that it will be easy for us mark for any abnormalities.
May 10, 2019  08:05 PM | Chris Rorden
RE: DICOM - NiFti - Mammogram images
dcm2niix converts these images correctly. These are Mammography XRays. Each 2D image measures the attenuation across the 3rd dimension. In this way, the depth information is collapsed (this is like a 2D CT or MRI Maximum Intensity Projection where the bright pixel is shown at each location regardless of depth). If I were you, I would view these with MRIcron. Open three instances of MRIcron, and load one image in each. The images can not combined, as they collapse space differently. If you want to view 3D data, you will need to acquire a CT or MRI scan rather than an XRay. For these 3D volumes, one can choose to view the image from any persepctive (e.g. axial, coronal, sagittal). In sum, this is not a limitation of dcm2niix but rather a limitation of your images.
Jul 3, 2019  08:07 PM | sabrinapanceri
RE: DICOM - NiFti - Mammogram images
Hi, I use dcm2nixx to convert dicom images from dataset CBIS-DDSM, just the mammogram type CC, and 3 images were not converted. Follow the error mensage:

dcm2niix -f %b -z y MASS/Mass-Training-Full/CBIS-DDSM/Mass-Training_P_01532_LEFT_CC/
Chris Rorden's dcm2niiX version v1.0.20181125 GCC5.3.1 (64-bit Linux)
Found 1 DICOM file(s)
File not large enough to store image data: MASS/Mass-Training-Full/CBIS-DDSM/Mass-Training_P_01532_LEFT_CC/

You have any idea how to resolve this? The error example image is attached.
Attachment: 000000.dcm
Jul 4, 2019  11:07 AM | Chris Rorden
RE: DICOM - NiFti - Mammogram images
Thanks for the example. I have made changes to the development branch to fix this issue (v1.0.20190625). If you want to test this, the code below will compile a development version of dcm2niix to the folder /dcm2niix/build/bin

git clone -b development
cd dcm2niix
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..