open-discussion > Patient Information display
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Oct 11, 2017  03:10 PM | Michael Scheel
Patient Information display
Dear dcm2niix, 

when I use the -t option
"-t : text notes includes private patient details"
the output has a field for patient gender - which I am interested to capture,  but doesn't get populated with the right value
I have checked that the dicom field PatientsSex | 0010,0040 is not empty.

Any advice?

Best, Michael
Oct 11, 2017  05:10 PM | Chris Rorden
RE: Patient Information display
I you compile the latest code from Github you will see that it includes this information. The text output predates the BIDS output and I would suggest you consider using that instead.
Oct 11, 2017  08:10 PM | Michael Scheel
RE: Patient Information display
Thanks for the quick reply. Will do! Kind regards, Michael