open-discussion > Matrices Format for NBS
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Oct 19, 2017  04:10 PM | dorfschl
Matrices Format for NBS
I am trying to use NBS on diffusion imaging data of 50 subjects, have their adjacency matrices with 68 nodes. 
The matrix A I have is a 68x68x50 numeric matrix (isnumeric(A) = 1). 
The documentation of NBSrun.m says

% UI.matrices.ui N x N numeric array specifying a symmetric connectivity matrix for each of M observations (e.g. subjects), where N is the number of nodes.
% Can be specified either as a:
% 1. Valid Matlab expression for an N x N x M array

I thought I fullfilled these requirements. Nevertheless I get the following error message:

Error using fileparts (line 33)
Input must be a row vector of characters.

Error in NBSrun (line 182)
if exist(fileparts(UI.matrices.ui),'dir')
Error in NBS (line 28)

The given line in fileparts reads:

if ~ischar(file)

I am quite surprised since suddenly the array is supposed to be char. Do you have any advice what is going wrong?
Thank you!