open-discussion > PANDA transformation issues
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Oct 23, 2017  05:10 PM | jx liu
PANDA transformation issues
Sorry for disturbing you with this letter. I'm a student comes from SiChuan university.

Recently, I used PANDA to process our data.
However, I can't transformed about 2700 dicom figures into a nii document. An error occured in dicom2nii_dwi as below.

Cell contents reference from a non-cell array object.
File /home/PANDA_1.3.1_64/g_dcm2nii_dwi.m at line 147
File /home/PANDA_1.3.1_64/psom-1.0.4/psom_run_job.m at line 252
File /home/PANDA_1.3.1_64/psom-1.0.4/psom_run_job.m at line 166

Could you please give me some possible solutions. Thank you very much!