open-discussion > Feeding NIFTI imagess in a CNN via matlab
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Dec 4, 2017  02:12 PM | Michael Tam
Feeding NIFTI imagess in a CNN via matlab

I have a dataset containing 3D CT neuroimages in nii file format. I have managed to load the content using the load_nii function(...) from this toolbox: in Matlab. One image, for example, has the following specs:

Dimension: 3
Size: 512 x 512 x 149

I have to pre-process (using image processing techniques) them and feed them in a pre-trained CNN (deep learning) called alexnet. The CNN needs at his input neurons 227 x 227 x 3 pictures. In addition, I have managed to extract from the struct that gets loaded, the .img matrix. My problem now is how can I pre-process these images (the 149 layers and not 3 as the network needs) and setup the network to train these images.

Thank you in advance for help