questions > Trouble open converted .nii in spm
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Dec 14, 2017  09:12 PM | equivocal
Trouble open converted .nii in spm
Hi! Long time listener, first time caller. Feeling a bit stupid, but after running dcm2niix (and the great BIDS compatibility options) I can't open the resulting images in SPM.  Any tips?  Error below.  They're not compressed; neither mprage, T2 nor EPI sequences open.  Thanks!

SPM12: spm_image (v6425) 16:33:20 - 14/12/2017
Undefined function or variable 'file_array'.

Error in nifti (line 69)
dat = file_array(vol.iname,dim,[dt,],offs,slope,inter);
Error in spm_vol_nifti (line 19)
N = nifti(P);
Error in spm_vol>spm_vol_hdr (line 128)
V = spm_vol_nifti(p,n);
Error in spm_vol (line 61)
v = spm_vol_hdr(deblank(P(i,:)));
Error in spm_image (line 79)
if ischar(P), P = spm_vol(P); end
Error while evaluating UIControl Callback.
Dec 15, 2017  01:12 PM | Chris Rorden
RE: Trouble open converted .nii in spm
sounds like SPM12 is not correctly installed. Matlab can not find the function "file_array" which is included with SPM12.