help > problem opening T2 images
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Dec 18, 2017  09:12 PM | Elizabeth Woytowicz
problem opening T2 images

Using a Windows 10 computer, when I open any T2 images, the coronal and sagittal views are compressed down to about 1/8th of the size of the axial view. This does not happen with our T1 images or if we open the T2 images on other computers in the lab using earlier versions of Windows. Is there a way to resolve this problem? Any help would be appreciated.

Thank You,
Apr 24, 2018  08:04 PM | Chris Rorden
RE: problem opening T2 images
This reflects your acquisition. Since T2 scans require a long TE and TR, it was common for them to be acquired with high resolution in plane, but very thick slices. This reduced the number of slices required and therefore kept the acquisition time reasonable. In brief, your images are anisotropic. If you are acquiring new images, you may want to explore modern sequences like SPACE, which provide high-resolution isotropic scans in a reasonable time by exploiting variable flip angles.

If you go to the MRIcron "Preferences" panel, the top two check boxes influence how anisotropic data is loaded: it can either be resliced which provides nicely scaled images but can look very blurry, it can be rotated to the nearest orthogonal, or if neither button is checked the image is displayed as saved on disk.

You may also want to try out MRIcroGL
which scales the images in plane. 

Again, this reflects an attribute of your source data, and if the between-slice resolution is too coarse, there may be no suitable way to visualize these images across slices.