open-discussion > SPHARM-PDM on 3D Slicer error: Shape Analysis Module terminated with a fault.
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Dec 19, 2017  03:12 AM | soda soda
SPHARM-PDM on 3D Slicer error: Shape Analysis Module terminated with a fault.
Hello, everyone! I have a problem using the SPHARM-PDM on 3D Slicer(v4.4.0).
I follow the tutorial . I changed the filepath in the .csv file like this:

Gender InputFile1 Input File Description
0 /home/soda/Downloads/SPHARM_Tutorial_Data_July2015/origData/groupA_01_hippo.gipl.gz none
0 /home/soda/Downloads/SPHARM_Tutorial_Data_July2015/origData/groupA_02_hippo.gipl.gz none
1 /home/soda/Downloads/SPHARM_Tutorial_Data_July2015/origData/groupB_01_hippo.gipl.gz none
1 /home/soda/Downloads/SPHARM_Tutorial_Data_July2015/origData/groupB_02_hippo.gipl.gz none

and set the other parameters as the tutorial said. But I got error when apply the shape analysis:

Shape Analysis Module terminated with a fault.

and here are more details:

Found CommandLine Module, target is /home/soda/.config/NA-MIC/Extensions-23774/SPHARM-PDM/lib/Slicer-4.4/cli-modules/ShapeAnalysisModule
ModuleType: CommandLineModule
Shape Analysis Module command line:
/home/soda/.config/NA-MIC/Extensions-23774/SPHARM-PDM/lib/Slicer-4.4/cli-modules/ShapeAnalysisModule --RescaleSegPostProcess --sx 0.5 --sy 0.5 --sz 0.5 --label 1 --NumberofIterations 1000 --SubdivLevelValue 10 --SPHARMDegreeValue 15 --thetaIterationValue 100 --phiIterationValue 100 --medialMesh --columVolumeFile 0 --varX 10 --varY 10 --varZ 10 --regTemplate None --flipTemplate None --paraOutTemplate --noFlip --HorizontalGridPara 5 --VerticalGridPara 5 --UseProcalign --startRegularization 10 --endRegularization 0.01 --optimizationIt 200 --RelativeWeight 1 /home/soda/Downloads/SPHARM_Tutorial_Data_July2015/origData/groupA_01_hippo.gipl.gz /home/soda/Downloads/SPHARM_Tutorial_Data_July2015/output
Shape Analysis Module standard output:
------ Shape Analysis Module start -----
Computing ShapeAnalysisModule...

Do you know how to fix it?
Thanks for your reply!