open-discussion > Announcing IMPAC: an IMaging-PsychiAtry Challenge, using data-science to predict autism from brain imaging
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May 5, 2018  01:05 PM | Gael Varoquaux
Announcing IMPAC: an IMaging-PsychiAtry Challenge, using data-science to predict autism from brain imaging
Dear colleagues,

It is my pleasure to announce IMPAC: an IMaging-PsychiAtry Challenge,
using data-science to predict autism from brain imaging.
This is a machine-learning challenge on brain-imaging data to achieve the
best prediction of autism spectrum disorder diagnostic status. We are
providing the largest cohort so far to learn such predictive biomarkers,
with more than 2000 individuals.

There is a total of 9000 euros of prices to win for the best prediction.
The prediction quality will be measured on a large hidden test set, to
ensure fairness.

We provide a simple starting kit to serve as a proof of feasibility. We
are excited to see what the community will come up with in terms of
predictive models and of score.

