help > Number of brain regions different from NBS
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Jun 21, 2018  08:06 AM | Jay Chen - National Cheng Kung University
Number of brain regions different from NBS
Dear Andrew:

      If brain is partitioned into less brain regions than 116 (AAL, used in NBS), should I
(1) delete extra brain regions in the aalLABELS.txt and extra COGs in the aalCOG.txt?
(2) arrange rows and columns in the connectivity matrix to match the order sequence in the new LABELS.txt and COG.txt?

     Is this correct? Thanks for help

          Best Regards
          Jay Chen
Jun 22, 2018  01:06 AM | Andrew Zalesky
RE: Number of brain regions different from NBS
Hi Jay,

I suggest to simply generate a new COG file. This can be done with the script called getCOG.m, which can be found in the AAL subfolder.

You could arrange the rows of the existing files, but this is prone to errors. Safest is to simply generate a new COG file.


Originally posted by Jay Chen:
Dear Andrew:

      If brain is partitioned into less brain regions than 116 (AAL, used in NBS), should I
(1) delete extra brain regions in the aalLABELS.txt and extra COGs in the aalCOG.txt?
(2) arrange rows and columns in the connectivity matrix to match the order sequence in the new LABELS.txt and COG.txt?

     Is this correct? Thanks for help

          Best Regards
          Jay Chen