open-discussion > Low quality 2D DICOM to NIFTI conversion for sag and cor planes
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Jul 5, 2018  01:07 PM | Max Laansma
Low quality 2D DICOM to NIFTI conversion for sag and cor planes
Dear all,

I've converted 2D DICOM images (Siemens) to NIFTIs with dcm2niix, which resulted in high quality axial slices and low quality sag and cor slices, although individually these DICOM slices have the same scan properties. In addition, some scans in the dataset are 3D DICOM images instead of 2D and successfully output high quality NIFTIs regarding all planes. Could this 2D/3D difference be responsible for the quality of the output? If yes, is there a way to work around it?

Thank you in advance for your help.
Jul 6, 2018  02:07 PM | Bernhard Neumayer
RE: Low quality 2D DICOM to NIFTI conversion for sag and cor planes
Dear Max,

You will have to check your sequence parameters to verify but most probably the 2D/3D difference is in fact the reason for this.

In 2D sequences only one slice is excited at a time, which requires a certain slice thickness to provide sufficient SNR for your image. In a 3D sequence you preserve high SNR by always exciting the whole slab and performing a three-dimensional FFT. This allows for higher and especially isotropic resolution (but usually also requires longer acquisition time because tricks like interleaved acquisition cannot be performed).
If you want to have the same image quality in all 3 dimensions, you need to acquire your images with isotropic resolution. Your 2D sequence will most probably have a slice thickness that is much larger than the in-plane voxel size. Additonally, the slices may even have been acquired with a distance between them (parameter Distance Factor) to reduce influences between them.

Hope that helps,