help > Yuki 2.1 : Segmentation fault (11)
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Aug 2, 2018  07:08 AM | kuchcinski
Yuki 2.1 : Segmentation fault (11)
Dear Babak

I would like to run Yuki on my Ubuntu 14.04 system.
Unfortunately, I have this error after testing Yuki on the sample (OAS2_0042_MR1.nii)

48/49: atlas #469 corr=0.6571 processor=0 on toto
49/49: atlas #352 corr=0.6554 processor=0 on toto
CC area = 839.00 mm^2
CC perimeter = 219.60 mm
CC circularity = 0.218625
CC length = 72.5 mm
[toto:22872] *** Process received signal ***
[toto:22872] Signal: Segmentation fault (11)
[toto:22872] Signal code: Address not mapped (1)
[toto:22872] Failing at address: 0xc0
[toto:22872] [ 0] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f80f930dcb0]
[toto:22872] [ 1] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f80f9320c6d]
[toto:22872] [ 2] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f80f932b337]
[toto:22872] [ 3] ./yuki(main+0xe1b) [0x422fbb]
[toto:22872] [ 4] /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ [0x7f80f92f8f45]
[toto:22872] [ 5] ./yuki() [0x4126b9]
[toto:22872] *** End of error message ***
Segmentation fault (core dumped)

Do you have an issue or do yo think that the Yuki 2.1 is not compiled for the Ubuntu 14.04 libc version?
Aug 2, 2018  02:08 PM | Babak Ardekani
RE: Yuki 2.1 : Segmentation fault (11)

It seems that the errors occurs AFTER the program has finished the CC analysis since it is outputting:

CC area = 839.00 mm^2
CC perimeter = 219.60 mm
CC circularity = 0.218625
CC length = 72.5 mm

Therefore, if the program outputs the CSV file and the CC segmentations as indicated by the *ppm and *_cc.nii images etc. look OK,  the error messages can be ignored.

I do believe the error messages at the end have to do with differences between the openmpi version on which the program was compiled and the version of OS you are running it on.   

I hope this helps.  
