open-discussion > Convert philips EPI dicom into Nifti
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Oct 11, 2018  02:10 PM | Fan Jiachen
Convert philips EPI dicom into Nifti
Dear all ,
I am a graduate student from Southeast University .I  found it difficult to convert Philips ingenia  MRI dicom (EPI,DTI) into just one compressed Nifti.I used MRIConvert and mricron ( whcih has dcm2nii tool ) and I have also tried dcm2niix , which is inclued in mricrogl .However ,these tools were failed . I can't convert my dicoms  into just one Nifti . For example ,when I convert my EPI dicoms (8275 images) into compressed FSL (4D NifTi nii) ,dcm2nii outputs 26 Niftis.I hope you can give my some suggestions .Thank you.

Any help would be greatly appreciated !


Oct 11, 2018  11:10 PM | mehrnaz jenabi - mskcc
Convert philips EPI dicom into Nifti
> (Hi Fan,
Use mricro instead and from the GUI choose dcm2nii with import option and open the dcm2nii GUI and dragged one of your Philips DICOM (header maybe) there . It should works you can also try AFNI command.
> )