help > Reporting a 2*2 RM-Anova using CONN
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Nov 8, 2018  11:11 PM | stity - University of Southern California
Reporting a 2*2 RM-Anova using CONN
I have 3 groups of participants, and I recorded a resting state 2 times in each participant. 

I would like to report an ROI-to-ROI analyses, and I would like to know where to find the values for the F stat of the main group and main condition effects for each ROI. 

I read the CONN manual, saying that I can run a 2*2 ANOVA, but I do not know how to report the results. 

I would like to report something like 

For blabla region as a seed, we realized a two-way RM-ANOVA with "Time" and "Group"  as factors (interaction Group*Time: F(2,xx) = xxx, p = xxx,Group: F(2,xx) = xxx, p =xxx, Time: F(1,xx) = xx, p = xx). 
Then the post-hoc test with the specific effect 

Does anyone know where I could find the appropriate stats values?