dke-questions > RE: DKE Tractography Error
Sep 15, 2015  12:09 AM | Russell Glenn - Medical University of South Carolina
RE: DKE Tractography Error
Hi Luis,

You do not necessarily need to rerun DKE to run the FT module. The reason the FT module needs the fa image is the .nii header contains a lot of info that the FT module uses, like the voxel dimensions, image dimensions, and the vox_to_ras transformation in the nifti header. There is a possible solution included below if you have Matlab, which should run in a few seconds. I am not sure if the FT module will run with the output images are from the Skyra, but if they are in .nii format, then it should.

However, I am very surprised that DKE took 5 hours to run on a single subject. This suggests the constrained fitting could be doing more than it should, which can potentially happen if there is an image / gradient miss-match. I would check the parameter maps such as fa and kmean and make sure they look good. Sometimes it can also be beneficial to drop the median filtering method down to 1 or 0 but that won't effect the processing time.



%fn_img: file path 'template' image (.nii) (eg b0 3D or 4D)
%fn_dt: file path to DT.mat (.mat)
%fn_fa: file path to new fa image to write (.nii)

hdr = spm_vol(fn_img);
idx = sqrt(sum(DT.^2))>0;
fa = zeros(1,prod(hdr(1).dim(1:3)));
fa(idx) = sqrt(3.*sum([DT(1:3,idx)-repmat(sum(DT(1:3,idx))./3,3,1);repmat(DT(4:6,idx),2,1)].^2)./...
hdr(1).fname = fn_fa;
hdr(1).dt = [16 0];

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Luis Zertuche Sep 14, 2015
qianrunda May 12, 2019
Xinman Liu Apr 11, 2018
RE: DKE Tractography Error
Russell Glenn Sep 15, 2015
sevim sahin Dec 7, 2016
Emilie McKinnon Dec 12, 2016