help > Surf Ice vs SPM rendering - different outputs
Oct 28, 2016  01:10 PM | Lydia Vinals
Surf Ice vs SPM rendering - different outputs
Dear Chris,

I've recently started using Surf Ice to do my surface renderings and I really love it! It's great!

I just had a question regarding discrepancies that I have observed between SPM renderings and Surf Ice renderings of the same results. For a particular contrast of interest, I have been saving a thresholded SPM .nii file. I then use this .nii file as an overlay in Surf Ice. The shape and extent of the activation clusters that I get in Surf Ice do not correspond exactly to those that I get when using SPM rendering. I have played around with the min and max values of the threshold in Surf Ice but I still don't seem to get the same rendering. I understand that these are visualisation tools and that they may yield slightly different renderings but I was just wondering whether there was a way to improve the correspondence between the two. I'm attaching an example where the same contrast in rendered using SPM and Surf Ice. As you can see, the Surf Ice rendering is oddly shaped and doesn't really reflect the same pattern of activation as the SPM rendering. Perhaps I'm doing something wrong? 

Many thanks for your help,
Attachment: SPM_vs_Surf_Ice.jpg

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Surf Ice vs SPM rendering - different outputs
Lydia Vinals Oct 28, 2016
Chris Rorden Nov 1, 2016