open-discussion > Convert DICOM to NIFTI.
May 24, 2017  06:05 AM | Gyan Raj Koirala
Convert DICOM to NIFTI.

I tried to convert DICOM file to NIFTI using MRIcon through the dcm2nii application in the following steps:

1. Make a different folder having all (256) dicom files.
2. Select all (256) the dicom files to dcm2nii.

After a brief processing, it results three .nii.gz files as follows:


Is this process okay?

Now, I would like to process the NIFTI (nii.gz) file using BrainSuite for source reconstruction but I am not quite sure on which file should I compute source reconstruction.

Please suggest me.

Thanks in advance.

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Convert DICOM to NIFTI.
Gyan Raj Koirala May 24, 2017
egalv002 Dec 18, 2017
Chris Rorden Dec 20, 2017
Chris Rorden Jun 1, 2017