users > RE: Transform a set of coordinates (not image) with registration output
Jan 3, 2018  07:01 PM | Dan Xie - UCSF
RE: Transform a set of coordinates (not image) with registration output
Thanks Torsten! Streamxform does function but the output looked weird. I have some 3D brain images with a couple of neurons marked in each. After registering them to a reference brain image, I transformed coordinates of all the marked neurons and plotted them together with the reformatted brain image. It seems a significant shift is applied to the coordinates so they fall out of the brain image range.I tried direct and inverse streamxform and the shift remained.

How should my coordinates in the input list be ordered, is it x_i, y_i, z_i or any other order? And are the definition of x,y,z consistent with that in tiff image stacks, i.e, x-horizontal from left to right, y-vertical from top to bottom, z- across different slices?  I was wondering if I have messed that up.


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Dan Xie Dec 19, 2017
Torsten Rohlfing Dec 29, 2017
RE: Transform a set of coordinates (not image) with registration output
Dan Xie Jan 3, 2018
Torsten Rohlfing Jan 6, 2018