questions > dcm2niix Siemens Mosaic
Feb 26, 2018  07:02 AM | Jessica Lee
dcm2niix Siemens Mosaic

I have been using dcm2niix for structural and functional MRI scan conversion; the scans were saved in a mosaic format supported by Siemens. A nifti image is created as a result, however the volume number reflects the number of mosaic IMA files that were saved in the folder in stead of the volume number we have intended/designed.

Below are the Warning/messages I am receiving:

1) Warning: Unable to determine slice order from CSA tag MosaicRefAcqTimes
2) slices stacked despite varying acquisition numbers (if this is not desired please recompile)
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~for dMRI~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
3) Warning: Saving 62 DTI gradients. Validate vectors (images are not axial slices).

Could you please let me know if there is any way to resolve this issue, such as a particular option/flag I should include in the command line?    
Thank you,

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dcm2niix Siemens Mosaic
Jessica Lee Feb 26, 2018
Chris Rorden Feb 26, 2018