help > RE: Python wrapper for commandline functionality of Vaa3d
Mar 23, 2018  10:03 PM | Hanchuan Peng
RE: Python wrapper for commandline functionality of Vaa3d
Cool, Ajay!

Let us know if a Mac testing is needed !


Originally posted by Ajayrama Kumaraswamy:
Dear Vaa3d team, dear Vaa3d users and enthusiasts

As part of another project, I have written a small python wrapper for command line functionalities of Vaa3d ( This wrapper can be useful for applying Vaa3d functions iteratively to multiple images and SWC etc, especially when the resulting data is to be analyzed and/or plotted.

1. A method that is equivalent of running a specific function of a specific plugin of vaa3d (essentially, vaa3d -i <...> -x <...> -f <...>). It returns printed output on stdout.
2. Convenience method to generate all global features of neurons, specified using a SWC files, and returning features as pandas tables.
2. Python 2/3 support
3. Unit testing

Collaboration, comments and suggestions to this repo are welcome. I would like to add support for MacOS as well. However, I am not sure about the details and don't have a machine to test.


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Ajayrama Kumaraswamy Mar 22, 2018
RE: Python wrapper for commandline functionality of Vaa3d
Hanchuan Peng Mar 23, 2018