help > RE: Pending Job Error - How to Skip Error Job in Parallel Preprocessing
Jun 21, 2018  02:06 PM | Alfonso Nieto-Castanon - Boston University
RE: Pending Job Error - How to Skip Error Job in Parallel Preprocessing
Hi Victoria,

Sorry about that. Normally you would want to fix whatever issue caused the error for that subject, then in the Pending-Jobs gui select the node(s) with an error and click "restart" to run it again (i.e. just for that subject). In any way, you are right that there are some circumstances where you might want to just disregard some specific nodes and continue importing the results for everybody else, so I am attaching a patch (this patch is for conn 18a, to install it uncompress the zip file and copy the two files there into the conn distribution folder overwriting the files with the same name there) that will also allow you to "Cancel" individual nodes (canceled nodes will be treated as if they have finished, even though they might have been manually stopped or run into errors). To proceed in your case, after installing the patch go again to the Pending-Jobs gui and simply select the individual node that run into an error and click on the "cancel" button at the right (not the "cancel job" button at the bottom). That will allow your job to finish normally and have the results for every other node imported into your current project. 

Let me know if you run into any issues

Originally posted by Victoria Okuneye:
I am having difficulty moving through preprocessing steps for my data set.

I have managed to the get the paralllel computing to work via SLURM in our hpc cluster.

In my current dataset all but one subject is able to finish preprocessing.
This subject ends up with an error which I haven't managed to figure out.
I would like to continue on with other steps but the only option is to cancel the entire job - even though all the other subjects were successfully preprocessed. 

Is there away to proceed with the CONN steps if one subject fails?


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Victoria Okuneye Jun 20, 2018
RE: Pending Job Error - How to Skip Error Job in Parallel Preprocessing
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Jun 21, 2018
Victoria Okuneye Jun 21, 2018
Victoria Okuneye Jun 21, 2018