help > Voxels squeezed in y and z directions by transformation matrix after conversion to NIfTI from oblique Siemens mosaic DICOM slices
Jul 6, 2018  06:07 AM | Samuel Holly - Jessenius Diagnostic Centre
Voxels squeezed in y and z directions by transformation matrix after conversion to NIfTI from oblique Siemens mosaic DICOM slices
Dear MRIcroGL developers,

I have an issue with converting my data from DICOM to NIfTI.

I have acquired an isotropic 2 mm DTI dataset and exported it to Siemens mosaic DICOM format. The images were however acquired not in the axial plane but aligned parallel with the base of the skull.

When I converted them to NIfTI, the resulting 4D dataset had the correct pixdims 2 by 2 by 2 (according to FSLeyes), however the transformation matrix is

-1.986      0.118   -0.2023  120.4
0.2251     1.439   -1.37     -89.87
-0.06476   1.384   1.443    -102.5
0              0          0           1

meaning I have actual voxel dimensions of approx. 1.99 by 1.44 by 1.44 so the voxels are squeezed in the y and z directions.

In my other cases when the acquisition plane was plain axial (or aligned to corpus callosum) this error never occurred.

I would like to ask if there is a solution. I also tried to convert the dataset using the older dcm2niigui with the same result.

I will be very grateful for any advice.

Best regards


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Voxels squeezed in y and z directions by transformation matrix after conversion to NIfTI from oblique Siemens mosaic DICOM slices
Samuel Holly Jul 6, 2018
Chris Rorden Jul 6, 2018
Samuel Holly Jul 9, 2018
Chris Rorden Jul 9, 2018
Samuel Holly Jul 10, 2018