questions > Extracting bvals/bvecs from dwi missing Siemens ASCII header "ie the ASCCONV text file'
Aug 15, 2018  05:08 PM | Karl Zimmerman - Imperial College London
Extracting bvals/bvecs from dwi missing Siemens ASCII header "ie the ASCCONV text file'
I've been receiving data from an external site for a study, which uses a SIEMENS 3T scanner. I've been using dcm2niix (v1.0.20180622) to convert the dicoms to NIFTI prior to running them through an analysis pipeline, however in some cases, no bvals/bvecs are extracted. After digging through why this might be the case, and having tried using other converters (eg. mri_convert), it appears the 'faulty' scans are missing the Siemens ACII header (later confirmed when trying to use nibabel to look at the headers).

My question is therefore if it is still possible to extract the bvals and bvecs for these scans using different settings/builds of dcm2niix, or if this means that it is not possible, and we should try get the centre to stop anonymising the data the way that they are doing currently which is causing these errors.


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Extracting bvals/bvecs from dwi missing Siemens ASCII header "ie the ASCCONV text file'
Karl Zimmerman Aug 15, 2018
Chris Rorden Aug 15, 2018
Karl Zimmerman Aug 16, 2018