help > RE: Potential bugs in preprocessing pipeline
Sep 5, 2018  06:09 AM | Pravesh Parekh - National Institute of Mental Health and Neurosciences
RE: Potential bugs in preprocessing pipeline
Dear Dr. Alfonso,
Thank you for the patch. The first time I ran parallel processing by skipping slice timing correction, I got the following error:
Index exceeds matrix dimensions.Error in conn_setup_preproc (line 636)respatialdef={};Error in conn (line 918)ok=conn_setup_preproc('',varargin{2:end});Error in conn_menumanager (line 120)feval(CONN_MM.MENU{n0}.callback{n1}{1},CONN_MM.MENU{n0}.callback{n1}{2:end});CONN v.18.aSPM12 + DEM FieldMap MEEGtools cat12Matlab v.2016astorage: 14307.8Gb availablespm @ /usr/local/MATLAB/R2016a/toolbox/spm12conn @ /usr/local/MATLAB/R2016a/toolbox/conn
Potential missing Setup information. Try revising Setup fields for potential missing information

Then I tried to run the indirect pipeline and I got the error that the function conn_get_rt is undefined.

I removed Conn from my MATLAB path, restarted MATLAB, and then added Conn back to path. However, now the preprocessing GUI won't load. Below is the error:
Reference to non-existent field 'label'.
Error in conn_setup_preproc>@(n)sprintf('Process secondary dataset #%d %s',n,regexprep(CONN_x.Setup.secondarydataset(n).label,'(.+)','($1)')) (line 402)
if any(cellfun('length',regexp(dlg.steps_names,'^functional'))), dlg.m10=uicontrol('style','popupmenu','units','norm','position',[.05,.13,.3,.05],'value',1+sets,'string',[{'Process primary dataset'},arrayfun(@(n)sprintf('Process secondary dataset #%d %s',n,regexprep(CONN_x.Setup.secondarydataset(n).label,'(.+)','($1)')),1:numel(CONN_x.Setup.secondarydataset),'uni',0)],'tooltipstring','Apply this preprocessing to selected dataset in your curent CONN project (the same dataset will hold the output files)
- note: only when preprocessing the primary dataset (dataset-0) non-essential preprocessing outputs (ROIs, first- and
second- level covariates) will be automatically imported into your CONN project','visible','on','fontsize',9+font_offset);
Error in conn_setup_preproc (line 402)
if any(cellfun('length',regexp(dlg.steps_names,'^functional'))), dlg.m10=uicontrol('style','popupmenu','units','norm','position',[.05,.13,.3,.05],'value',1+sets,'string',[{'Process primary dataset'},arrayfun(@(n)sprintf('Process secondary dataset #%d %s',n,regexprep(CONN_x.Setup.secondarydataset(n).label,'(.+)','($1)')),1:numel(CONN_x.Setup.secondarydataset),'uni',0)],'tooltipstring','Apply this preprocessing to selected dataset in your curent CONN project (the same dataset will hold the output files)
- note: only when preprocessing the primary dataset (dataset-0) non-essential preprocessing outputs (ROIs, first- and
second- level covariates) will be automatically imported into your CONN project','visible','on','fontsize',9+font_offset);
Error in conn (line 918)
Error in conn_menumanager (line 120)
CONN v.18.a
SPM12 + DEM FieldMap MEEGtools cat12
Matlab v.2016a
storage: 14306.9Gb available
spm @ /usr/local/MATLAB/R2016a/toolbox/spm12
conn @ /usr/local/MATLAB/R2016a/toolbox/conn

and the error on the command prompt:
Struct contents reference from a non-struct array object.

Error in conn_setup_preproc>conn_setup_preproc_update (line 2887)
Error in conn_setup_preproc>@(varargin)conn_setup_preproc_update (line 389)
1 1],'foregroundcolor','k','tooltipstring','Select a data preprocessing
Error while evaluating UIControl Callback

What could be going wrong?

Thanks and Regards
Originally posted by Alfonso Nieto-Castanon:
Dear Pravesh,

Thanks for the bug report and perfectly detailed info. I believe the attached patch should fix both of these problems. Could please give it a try and let me know whether you still run into any issues? (this patch is for release 18a, to install it simply copy the attached file to the conn distribution folder overwriting the file with the same name there)

Thanks again
Originally posted by Pravesh Parekh:
Dear Dr. Alfonso,

Hope you are doing well. I was playing around with the Conn preprocessing modules and have spotted two behaviour which might not be expected:

1. When running the pipeline in parallel on a local machine, if we select skip slice timing correction, the pipeline does not work but throws up the following error (default pipeline):

Index exceeds matrix dimensions.
Error in conn_setup_preproc (line 636)
if isempty(sliceorder)&&~isempty(sliceorder_select), sliceorder=sliceorder_select_options{sliceorder_select}; end
Error in conn (line 918)
Error in conn_menumanager (line 120)
CONN v.18.a
SPM12 + DEM FieldMap MEEGtools cat12
Matlab v.2016a
storage: 14397.5Gb available
spm @ /usr/local/MATLAB/R2016a/toolbox/spm12
conn @ /usr/local/MATLAB/R2016a/toolbox/conn
Potential missing Setup information. Try revising Setup fields for potential missing information

The pipeline runs fine in parallel if slice timing is specified or when serial processing is selected.

2. When using the indirect normalization pipeline (MNI), the functional files also get normalized to the voxel size of structural images. The GUI prompts to specify the dimensions of structural and functional image for normalization. The default input for structural is 1 while functional is set to 2 (and is grayed out in indirect pipeline). However, the end result is functional files having voxel dimension 1x1x1. They get normalized to 2x2x2 if the structural is set to 2. Possibly somewhere in the batch, the functional voxel size is wrongly specified to match the structural voxel size?

Both the above were tested using Conn 18.a on MATLAB 2016a running on a RedHat machine. Please let me know if you need any more information.

Thanks and Regards

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Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Sep 25, 2018
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Pravesh Parekh Sep 12, 2018
Alfonso Nieto-Castanon Sep 3, 2018
RE: Potential bugs in preprocessing pipeline
Pravesh Parekh Sep 5, 2018