help > How CONN adds task effects back to ICA temporal components
Sep 20, 2018  01:09 PM | yingchao song
How CONN adds task effects back to ICA temporal components
Dear Alfonso, dear Conn users,

I am trying applying CONN on my event-related task data. My purpose is to find the difference of components in spatial and temporal properties across different conditions.
Before group-ICA step, i use denoising function regressing the main condition effects (pain condition and touch condition).When i finished group-ICA step, the bottom display shows the BOLD signal timeseries associated with each network (ICA temporal components) for the selected subject/condition. I want to know how CONN calculates the ICA temporal components for the selected subject/condition . In another words, how CONN adds condition effects back to temporal components?
Thank you for all help!

Thanks and Regards
Yingchao Song