help > RE: Node labels .txt file is not recognized
Oct 5, 2018  12:10 AM | Andrew Zalesky
RE: Node labels .txt file is not recognized
Great to hear!
Originally posted by serafeim loukas:

I have been using Python to prepare all my files (data, design matrix etc) and I needed to save all the txt with utf-8 encoding.

Now, it is working fine.


Originally posted by serafeim loukas:

I have been trying to specify the "Node Labels" .txt file in order to be able to see the name of the nodes for the significant subnetwork.

When I press the "nbs Connectome" button, the field that contains the path for the node_labels.txt file becomes red.

Finally, when the significant subnetwork is plotted, I am not able to see the labels of the nodes.

Any tip?

Thank you in advance,

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makis Oct 4, 2018
makis Oct 4, 2018
RE: Node labels .txt file is not recognized
Andrew Zalesky Oct 5, 2018