questions > How to convert dicoms into just one comprssed NifTi ?
Oct 11, 2018  01:10 PM | Fan Jiachen
How to convert dicoms into just one comprssed NifTi ?
Dear all ,

I am a graduate student from Southeast University .I found it difficult to convert Philips ingenia MRI dicom (EPI,DTI) into just one compressed Nifti.I used MRIConvert and mricron ( whcih has dcm2nii tool ) and I have also tried dcm2niix in both  windows and linux system, which is inclued in mricrogl .However ,these tools were failed . I can't convert my dicoms into just one Nifti . For example ,when I convert my EPI dicoms (8275 images) into compressed FSL (4D NifTi nii) ,dcm2nii outputs 26 Niftis.Besides it needs lots of time and sometimes my dcm2nii will crash when converting dicoms . It is correct to convert T1 3D dicoms into compressed NifTi .I hope you can give my some suggestions .Thank you.

Any help would be greatly appreciated !



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How to convert dicoms into just one comprssed NifTi ?
Fan Jiachen Oct 11, 2018
Chris Rorden Nov 23, 2018