help > RE: loading MNI images onto freesurfer images
Nov 12, 2018  12:11 PM | Chris Rorden
RE: loading MNI images onto freesurfer images
Can you explain which approach you are using
  • If you attempt to load the SPM NIfTI file directly you will need to use the BrainMesh_ICBM152.gii template, as FreeSurfer FSaverage images are in a different space.
  • If you convert the SPM NIfTI file to a mesh, you will also end up with results better aligned to the BrainMesh_ICBM152.gii.
  • You could also warp the SPM NIfTI to freesurfer space. This uses Darren Price's mni2fs. If you follow this approach, you can either follow the steps on the Surfice wiki or Darren's quick start guide. I suspect you are using this approach. While this does put the images in FreeSurfer space, note that it asks whether you want to have the data mapped to the left hemisphere or right hemisphere. You would overlay these on the corresponding left (lh.pial) or right (rh.pial) hemisphere meshes, not the bilateral brain image. This would explain your issue, as you can not load the unilateral vertices on top of a bilateral mesh. If you want this, I suspect you could update Darren's code to support bilateral meshes (and you could issue a pull request to share your changes with the community).

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Luca Fornia Nov 12, 2018
RE: loading MNI images onto freesurfer images
Chris Rorden Nov 12, 2018
Luca Fornia Nov 12, 2018
Chris Rorden Nov 12, 2018
Luca Fornia Nov 12, 2018
Chris Rorden Nov 12, 2018
Luca Fornia Nov 12, 2018