help > Running a new analysis on a subsample from an already completed analysis
Feb 19, 2019  12:02 PM | d_kom - Berlin School of Mind and Brain
Running a new analysis on a subsample from an already completed analysis
Dear CONN community,

I completed a patients vs controls comparison in CONN, and now I would like to compare two subgroups of patients from the same sample. I wanted to take advantage of the fact that preprocessing and denoising have been already completed in the first analysis, and not start everything from scratch.

Am I correct in assuming that I can just define a new contrast by going to Setup and then 2nd level Covariates, where I would give all controls a 0, and patients from one subgroup a 1, and those from the other a -1? Basically, I want to compare patient subgroup 1 to patient subgroup 2 while ignoring the controls, without starting a new CONN project.

Thanks in advance for your help.
Kind regards,